Meet iGEM TU Eindhoven 2016!
Team members
My name is Stijn Hofstraat and I am a third year Biomedical Engineering student. Within the iGEM team I assist Marijn Kruit with the sponsoring and finances, I work a lot on the WIKI and I do a lot of the work that has to be done in the lab.
I joined the iGEM team because I interested myself for the field of synthetic biology and wanted to increase my knowledge about this subject. Another reason to join the team was to experience working on a challenging research project and to develop my personal skills. I feel like joining the iGEM team was a great decision because I learned so much and I feel like we really accomplished something.
I just started my third year of Medical Sciences and Technology at the Eindhoven University of Technology. In this year’s iGEM team, I am responsible for the PR and also part of the lab team. This means that I take care of the social media, I keep in touch with the iGEM Headquarters, and other contacts concerning our project.
My interest for iGEM started during the course Molecular Cell Biology. I felt that participating in the iGEM competition would add something extra to my study: not only studying from books, but actually setting up our own project from scratch.
My name is Carolien de Korte. I am a third year Biomedical Engineering student. My responsibility in the iGEM team is “visual identity”. This means that I design all the visual objects we use for our wiki, clothing, posters, and presentations. I am also working in the lab.
I joined the iGEM team because I wanted to experience what it would be like to be on a research team. With our team I am sure it will be a great experience!
Currently I am a third year Medical Sciences and Technology student at the Technical University of Eindhoven. I joined the iGEM team to gain more of insight in what I find most interesting within the field of Biomedical Engineering.
With a bit of assistance from Stijn I take care of the financial aspect of our project. This includes searching for sponsors and maintaining a good relationship with them. Besides taking care of sponsoring and finances, I also help the team out in the lab.
I am a student Medical Engineering and Technology at Eindhoven University of Technology and I just started the last year of my Bachelor’s degree. My team role is team captain and being part of the lab team.
For me, joining the iGEM team this year was a big opportunity to improve my skills and broaden my knowledge about synthetic biology. In the future I definitely see myself working on similar projects as the project we are working on right now, so iGEM is a really nice first experience with starting up a research by ourselves.
My name is Laura Rijns and I am the lab captain of the team. This means that I am responsible for all the sequences we have designed and for the exciting experiments that we conduct. Currently, I am a third year undergraduate in Medical Sciences and Technology at the Technical University of Eindhoven.
I joined the iGEM team because I was ready to face a challenging project and synthetic biology is a field that has my greatest interest. Furthermore, this is a great opportunity to learn some skills in the lab and to improve my role as a team member. I am also curious to discover the other areas that are involved in this project, like human practices, sponsoring and modelling. The final conference in Boston will make iGEM an unforgettable experience!
Currently I am a third year student Biomedical Engineering. I joined the iGEM team because it is a great opportunity to learn how to do scientific research in the very interesting field of synthetic biology. I also like that fact that we can design our project in the way we want to do it.
I am responsible for the policy and practices part of this project and I am also part of the lab team. During this project I hope gain knowledge and experience about synthetic biology. After iGEM I want to do a master and PhD in the field of synthetic biology.
My name is Bram van der Velden and I am a third year Biomedical Engineering undergraduate at Eindhoven University of Technology. My main role is coding the WIKI. Besides that I work in the lab and on the content of the WIKI.
I joined this year’s iGEM team because I want to broaden my perspective of synthetic biology. I also want to experience how it is like managing a project from scratch.
I am a third year Biomedical Engineering undergraduate at Eindhoven University of Technology. My main role in this team is the modelling of our system to support decisions we make in the lab. This includes finding suitable mutations for our constructs. I am also part of the WIKI team and work in the lab from time to time.
I Joined the iGEM team because I want to put the skills I have gained so far to contribute to society. I see great potential in the field of synthetic biology, making the iGEM competition a perfect opportunity for doing so. Not only have I put my skills to the test, I have also expanded my knowledge more than I had imagined when starting this project.